Taalbureau IJ is a Dutch translation and editorial agency. Below you can find our areas of specialisation:
European and Scandinavian languages
We translate from and into all European languages. Our satisfied customer base includes a broad spectrum of Scandinavian companies. We do a great deal of translation work from Danish, Norwegian and Swedish into Dutch, and have a thorough understanding of these languages as well as the Scandinavian market.
Our Scandinavian translation work includes assignments for magazines like Wetenschap in Beeld, Historia and Scandinavian Living, as well as the catalogue and web texts for HiFi Klubben.
Magazine translations – print and online
Working for magazines requires a specific skillset. Texts and translations must be accurate and clearly formulated. They also have to fit into the available space. We have accumulated a wealth of experience working in this field and we do customised translations using Adobe InDesign.
We work for magazines including Historia, Wetenschap in Beeld and Scandinavian Living.
Themes and special interests
Texts about history have to be engaging. Hard facts seldom bring a smile, unlike an exciting story that takes you on a journey through the past. For Historia, we translate stories that bring the material to life.
Translating a scientific text for a broad audience requires a specialised skillset. How do you avoid jargon, yet express complex material in an understandable manner without making it sound too simplistic? And how do you adopt the correct tone? Taalbureau IJ has built up a wealth of experience in these fields too. We correct theses, edit scientific papers and translate the articles in Wetenschap in Beeld.
Interior and design
Scandinavia is known throughout the world for design, and we’re active in this innovative field too. We translate assignments for magazines including Scandinavian Living and Urban Living.
Food and lifestyle
We take healthy living seriously – in relation to our work as well. We translate and edit cooking books, magazines about maintaining a healthy diet and assignments about physical and mental wellbeing.
For several decades, we have translated manuals, website and box texts for games manufacturer Jumbo. We also translated and formulated thousands of questions for the Quiz Battle game.
Art and culture
We are at home in the art and culture sector. For years, we translated Boekman, a leading magazine about trends in art and culture. We also edit and correct books and policy documents in the broader field of art and culture.
The HiFi Klubben and Audio Partnership organisations both supply top-quality audio and video equipment. We translated their catalogues and web texts for many years.
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